Friday, April 4, 2008

"Alone" by, Carolyn Chambers

I will not say too much about this article I have posted for two reasons. First, I want you to read it for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit, to speak His words into your heart. Second, the article is very candid, personal, moving, and I truly could not expound on it much anyway. I applaud this author for her courage and conviction. Certainly this was painful to write, but her desire to share wisdom with other women superseded her own comfort or privacy.

It is not popular to write or speak about taking personal responsibility. The blame game began in the Garden, and has not ceased to exist. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely in favor of women being free in the Lord. He came to set all captives free. Sometimes, that freedom comes only when we recognize where we are to be, and how we are to act. Even Kings, queens and presidents have defined roles. Oh, to just grasp the love of God, and walk in it. I offer this on Honeycomb, because it spoke volumes and deeply to me. I receive the spirit in which this article was written, and I embrace its wisdom.

The article can be read here.

Grace and peace to you,

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