Friday, February 27, 2015

Live long and proser.

Leonard Simon Nimoy
March 26, 1931 ~ February 27, 2015

   I just read that Leonard Nimoy just died. He was a multi talented and well liked man. Of all the creative expressions he was accomplished in, acting, teaching acting, film directing, singing photography, writing poetry, speaking fluent Yiddish, I think he was best known, and will be remembered for his role in “Star Trek”, as Spock. In that role I think he will be remembered as the stoic, mono~tone, extraterrestrial humanoid Vulcan with the Vulcan nerve pinch, his telepathic mind meld, and that infamous Vulcan salute. Did you know Leonard Nimoy created that split finger salute, and it was an extension of his Jewish roots. The inspiration for that salute was due to the Jewish priests in the Old Testament; they gave a similar sign when giving, speaking blessings. 

   So, we have extraterrestrial, telepathy, blessing~ and not just any old blessing given in “Star Trek”, but “Live long and prosper”. Mr. Nimoy directly took this out of the universally known blessing in the Bible, from Numbers 6:24-26.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”’

   I speak no ill~will whatsoever where Mr. Nimoy is concerned, quite the contrary~ I applaud where and how he pulled from scripture to design such a blessing for “Star Trek”. He truly was a multi talented man. My question though is, why is it that such a quasi paranormal, extraterrestrial and telepathic television show would receive so much accolade from its viewers and critics, yet when a Christian that believes God is good, and that His promises of long life and prosperity are available in every area of the Christian’s life are true and real, then comes out and speaks a blessing of living long and prospering this side of Heaven gets called essentially an heretic, and a blab and grab it, or name it and claim it Christian? Just thinking out loud here.

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