Showing posts with label Patriotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patriotic. Show all posts

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Guy Fawkes Night of Thanksgiving at The Chapel

   A dear friend of mine sent me this photo of Guy Fawkes night being celebrated in Reading, England at their Chapel.

   Guy Fawkes Day/Night commemorates the unsuccessful attempt by a group English Catholics to assassinate Protestant King James l of England. Though this attempted plan seemingly had the savvy to succeed, it failed. Guy Fawkes, a part of this plan and the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, was caught guarding the explosive matter positioned to kill the king on November 5, 1605. January of 1606 those involved and arrested were to be executed. Days before they were, a member of Parliament, Edward Montagu, proposed that there be a day set aside to give thanks for God’s intervention and deliverance from harm to King James l. This has been a celebration of England’s giving thanks ever since. The Church of England still uses the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. A form of service was written just for Guy Fawkes Day. The saving of the King was huge, and to this day they use that prayer service as Thanksgiving on November 5.

   We are headed for our Thanksgiving here in the USA. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, not because the food is so wonderful, but that is a day to thank God for all the blessing He gave us through His Son. All good things come from God. I think we should do Thanksgiving days throughout the year. I say Well done!, England for your diligence in thanking God for your King’s deliverance!

For any history buffs or any other Anglophile’s reading this, here is a link to that Book of Prayer’s Fifth Day of November Prayer.

   Here is a link to a blog I have enjoyed whose author is English and now lives in, and is a citizen of the USA. This link gives a wonderful account of Guy Fawkes Night from her perspective.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Israel is important to us because she is important to, God!

   I truly do understand the good intentions behind the saying, “God bless America”.  I blogged on this several years ago. I do however feel it is a sentiment of futility at best, and wonder if it isn’t a slap in God’s face??
   The futility part is that this country was founded and based on God’s Kingdom principles. Out of that we have been a country that has given to other countries of our financial resources, and come to the aid of other countries with our military. God blessed us from the beginning because we were founded on Him. We have maintained that grace through two centuries because we have honored that founding relationship. We are now a country much like the Israelites with their idol golden calf. This country puts many things before God. This country has certainly become the stiff necked, hard hearted lot we see in, Sodom and Gomorrah. Billy Graham once said, “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” Our government is now defending and promoting homosexuality, abortion, and under the current administration there is a shunning of Israel. Franklin Graham has said, “I don’t think there’s any doubt that this rise in the culture of death in our own country coincides with the embrace of an immoral, sinful, godless worldview that rejects Christ.” Neither of these men are alarmist, and both are spot on right. God has blessed us, and we have enjoyed much grace. Yes, we are right in asking God for His blessing on this country, we should always be praying for her, and her leaders. But, Christians need to stand up and be heard. You can have all the faith you want, but without doing something with it, it is dead.

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
James 2:14-17

   The time for “God bless America” to be the cry of the people was when our founding fathers were establishing this great country. Now it is, and truly always has been the time for Americans to offer up their praise and gratitude to God by BLESSING HIM. I am not going to go into any other conflict of sin this country is engaged in, but I will say this~ how we treat Israel is key to our destiny.

   God will not destroy the righteous with the ungodly. However, if America does not get their eyes off ungodly television and on the Word of God, get their hearts off of their own convenience and pleasure and fix their hearts on Jesus, get their backsides off the comfy seat of their choosing they are resting on and start seeking God and serving in the Kingdom of God, and vote for what is right and not what is seemingly good for their wallet, retirement plan, health care....., there is going to be a really big wreck~ and the aftermath is not going to be anything short of grievous, full of regret, and a colossally unnecessary state of affairs. Jesus was a Jew and the Bible sets out the future of Israel. It also shows God’s heart for the Jewish nation. Christians are adopted in and are the body of Christ, and we are now God’s chosen people also, but the Jews have always been His chosen people. "Social justice", as some like to claim they are interested in, rarely lines up with scripture, therefore God’s will, and will NEVER supersede or successfully usurp God and His Word.

   America, let us BLESS GOD by returning to Him, calling on His name and humbly pray for the healing of this land. Don’t wait until it is “trending” to do so (because it won’t trend), or until it is too late. Start now, please for your sake, everyone’s sake and for the glory of God get back to the Word of God, the Bible and a solid relationship with Him. 

“...if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their
2 Chronicles 7:14

If you are reading this and not a Christian, please get to a local church that does know Jesus. Here is are two links you can go to and see about how to be a part of the family of God. It is a great and wonderful place to belong.   Link one, link two.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Shoo~Fly Pie after the 4th of July

   My daughters all celebrated the 4th of July so differently this year. My oldest daughter and her family reserved and rented a shelter at a park near their home. My daughter next in line and her family hosted an all American Barbecue at their home. This daughter has a major league baseball farm team close to her home. They ever so graciously provided a beautiful fireworks show for her and her guests to see right from her back yard. :-)  My youngest daughter and her family went to Hilton Head, South Carolina for the week. Jon and I however did something different this year. We took a drive and went to Amish Country.

Here are some photos my daughter sent me of things she put together for her 4th of July BBQ.
Front door decoration she made.
Cupcakes she made, we are a marshmallow family!
Her own pasta salad that she dyed the pasta in patriotic colors for.
Her twist on a how a Mason jar can show up 
at the celebration! Wish you could see the coffee 
bar it sits on she created from their home.


   Living in the Washington D.C. area as a child I had the opportunity to go to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where we visited Hershey Park and my favorite part of those trips, the Amish country. This Amish area of Pennsylvania had such beautiful country side, gift shoppes with beautiful trinkets, fudge and handmade toys like you would never find in a regular toy store, tours of farms with a tour to teach you about Amish life, farm animals, farm houses, farmer’s markets with cheeses, meats and beautiful vegetables and herbs (yes, I loved gardening as a little girl ~ should post on that sometime),... and the meal! I loved the food! Fresh homemade bread, soup, right out of the garden carrots, tomatoes, pole beans with bacon drippings, new red potatoes boiled with butter and chives, potatoes mashed with real and fresh butter, gravy, delicious cole slaw, amazing chicken ~n~ noodles and smoked ham, rhubarb!!!!, and there were cobblers yes.... but the pie.... oh the Shoo~Fly Pie!

   When we moved to Indiana, I was able to frequently visit Nappannee where there was an Amish settlement and a more commercialized area called, Amish Acres. There you would find along with other beautiful things like homemade quilts and fudge, the Thresher's Dinner. On the 4th of July this year Jon and I went to the Amish country in Eastern Ohio. We bought a game neither of had ever heard of, WORDICAL. We love word games, our whole family does. 

We drove and saw beautiful country and lovely Amish people.... and of course goats, cows and their young and as you would expect.....

...horses and their young everywhere. So beautiful and peaceful is the Amish life. Then it came time to eat and head home. For reasons beyond my understanding there was not a slice of Shoo~Fly Pie to be found ~ anywhere. One restaurant will does make it and if a days' notice is given they will make it the following day. Amish country without Shoo~Fly Pie just makes no sense to me. So.... the next day I pull out a cookbook my mother bought on one of our Lancaster County, Pennsylvania trips and went straight to the Shoo~Fly Pie recipe we used at home all those years ago. Here it is.

   Before I go any further I want to tell you I do not use shortening for this recipe. As always, except some pie crusts and rare bakers frostings, I never use shortening or lard, butter~REAL butter only. I also want to tell you that to make this pie you need to add the crumbs to the molasses mixture and fold in gently until the crumbs are somewhat blended in well. This recipe tells you to "add crumbs" after wet ingredients are in the crust. I did do it the way the recipe says this time. This method gives the "wet bottom" Shoo~Fly pie result. If you love molasses like I do that is fine. Adding the crumbs while the wet ingredients are in the bowl gives the true Shoo~Fly Pie result you really want, a coffee cake consistency. I will go back to doing it that way as I have in the past. This book is probably no longer available since Mom bought it in 1971 or 1972, I think. It is full of wonderful and authentic Amish recipes so I will give you the ordering page in the back of the book. The cover is no longer on the book, it was missing when Mom died so I can not give that to you.

Here is the process in piccies.

Simple ingredients. Amish are after-all known for their simple lifestyles.

Make sure your crumbs are fine.

I do boil the water as it gives a much better consistency. Can you see the steam?

You can see the aerated baking soda bubbles the boiling water caused. 

I started to add the crumbs and dropped a bit there, otherwise that is what this recipe looks like before crumbs are added.

Crumbs on top and settling in to the wet ingredients some.

Crust protected and oven ready.

This pie takes a while to cool.

High time for pie time!! It has been years since I have had Shoo~Fly Pie!

   I love the simplicity and pureness of the Amish life. True enough, I do not believe our faith is meant to be kept to ourselves, among ourselves. If there was only one church that fostered a clique mentality there would be too many. Our faith is meant to be shared. Amish do not do that, they do stay to themselves. However, I think people in general could learn much from them that would put feet on their faith. There is much to be appreciated about the Amish lifestyle.

   I am going to insert a link here. The recipe here for Shoo~Fly Pie is closer to the one I would prefer to use, and will I will try it soon. You will notice a woman, Phyllis Pellman Good, mentioned on that page in reference to her book, Amish Cooking. My next post will be another pie, savory not sweet, that I made last week from her cookbook, Favorite Recipes with Herbs. That cookbook is one of my personal favorites from my cookbook collection. 

But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; and indeed you do so toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, that you increase more and more; that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you,that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.
1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

I hope you are enjoying your summer!

Friday, July 4, 2014

We are blessed this 4th of July!

   Happy 4th of July!! There is plenty of "God Bless America" being said today. I would like to offer a thought here. God has blessed America from her very beginning. We were founded by godly men on godly principles. Because of that God has continued to bless this country in spite of the ungodly legislation that is not just introduced but passed, in spite of ungodly material that blasts the television, movies and internet American's call entertainment, and the watering down of the Word of God in churches to attract attendance. My thought is, how about this, "Thank You Father for blessing our nation, thank You for Your faithfulness, and 'America Bless God!'"?

Photo was taken from the facebook page of Mary Lauber, the worlds best Scottie photographer, ever!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Wall Builders

   Labor day expresses gratitude and esteem to the workers of the country it is celebrated in, and acknowledges their hand in the prosperity, strength, and the success of that country. Tomorrow is Labor Day here in the USA and I wanted to share one of my favorite websites with you. The organization’s name is, Wall Builders. What is written below I took straight off of their website. I hope you will visit that site and be inspired to put what you find there to use in some way for our country. 

Happy Labor Day!

   “WallBuilders' goal is to exert a direct and positive influence in government, education, and the family by (1) educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country; (2) providing information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values; and (3) encouraging Christians to be involved in the civic arena.”

  “Why the name, Wall Builders? In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, the nation of Israel rallied together in a grassroots movement to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and thus restore stability, safety, and a promising future to that great city. We have chosen this historical concept of "rebuilding the walls" to represent allegorically the call for citizen involvement in rebuilding our nation's foundations. As Psalm 11:3 reminds us, ‘If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?’”

Patrick Henry’s Raison d’être.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fix your focus on glorifying God!

Proverbs 18:21 says:

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

Instead of spending the next months and years complaining (May I remind you where that has gotten God's people in the past?), let's use our tongues to praise God and further His kingdom. This is not about our opinions, this is about how we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

As Christians we win, regardless. God's Holy Spirit lives in us, the enemy is under our feet, and we are more than conqueror's ~ always. Let's serve God by honoring Him, by being the salt to this land and lights to this dark world. Otherwise, we take a step down from the heavenly places we have been seated in and become salt without savor and dimmed lights.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.  Matthew 5:16

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Praise God for our freedom!

Happy 4th of July!

Have a blessed Independence Day everyone! I do have several friends in England that I truly cherish. While this day marks the Independence we established from Britain, I honestly like to dwell more on the freedom we have in our dependence on God and completed work of His Son Jesus, at Calvary on the cross. So, in addition to our national freedom I would like to celebrate our freedom in Jesus today while I think of all of my friends and their precious walk with Him.

I could not close this without saying that my heart is also with all of our military men, women and families today. Thank you for all you do! Thank you Marty and Larry! Becky, my love and thoughts are with you today my friend.

Just a little post~script here. I will begin blogging Monday. I have been away and will fill you in then. I have kept up with all of your blogs and have enjoyed that. More Monday.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Up close and personal, beats the media everytime!

I have been so busy lately, and though I won't promise to, it is my hope to sit down tomorrow and get a few things on this little corner of the cyber world that I call mine. However, I did read something on a friends blog just now that I thought warranted being posted here. Pam works here in Oklahoma City, at the Capitol. Please go and read what she has to say in her post, When McCain breezed through here.

Friday, July 6, 2007

A great find... America, Bless God.

A few years ago, sometime after 9-11, when I was becoming discouraged with the slogan, "God, Bless America", I put in a Google search for, "America, Bless God". I found nothing. Nothing. I was a little surprised. The lack of anything for that search caused me to wonder if I shouldn't start making bumper stickers. In fact, I found a website that made it very easy to do that. My husband has access to all sorts of marketing/printing media types of things. My mind was a rolling. But, life was full at that time and a little hectic, so the notion got lost in the cracks of everyday stuff.

Update: I put that Google search in today and I was very excited to find...... plenty. My favorite (not that I looked at them all), but my absolute favorite is now the newest link on my list of "Great Links". I have read every page of this site and I believe with all of everything that is in me that it's message is accurate, timely, relevant and mostly.. The Truth! I would encourage you to take a look at it. The site is not too huge so I won't put a link here for their "purpose". It's easy enough to go to that when you are on the site.

Isaiah 29:13 says that, "And so the Lord says, "These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote." I think this is how America as a whole has become. I know there are many that really press in and seek God. There are many that are honoring Him with their hearts in everyday life and decisions. But the morality of this country is not where it could and quite honestly needs to be. I think well intentions go behind the signs that say, "God, Bless America." But the obedience and seeking God daily is maybe not there. Am I being judgemental? No. My heart is so broken over this and I want so much to see this nation, be a people called by God's name, humble itself, pray and seek God's face, turn from the wickedness of it's ways so that God will hear us in Heaven, forgive our sins and restore our land. And, call me crazy... I think that will happen. I believing and holding out for just that.

Well anyway, here is the web site I found and have so gladly added to my "Great Links". I hope you visit it and enjoy your time there. You will just never believe the name of the web site. Kinda cool beans, heh?? :-)

Blessings all around!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

America, Bless God!

   While in Texas this past week, I had the opportunity to see the movie, What a delightful movie! There were several Scriptural principles conveyed in this film. The overall theme of the movie is that if you follow your passion, and are Ratatouille. diligent about it, you can achieve your dream, regardless of the odds against you, including where you came from, or who you are. A common thread throughout the film was the value of honesty. They made that point very well. Another message in the film was the value of a good friend. The virtue of loyalty is given some spotlight as well. Three of the characters are changed by the power of love. The other lesson I appreciated was to not look back at where you have been, but always look forward to where you are going. The little rat Remy, is passionate, diligent, shows himself friendly to unlikely recipients, learns that honesty is always best and loyalty quite important, and presses on rather than stumbling and looking back. This behavior results in the most amazing display of....... hum..... I'll leave that for you to see and decide. But before you do, I must add this.......

   On the down side, like so many other "children's" movies, there were age inappropriate scenes. There is a considerable amount of wine drinking. One scene resulted in the youngest person in the movie who is also one of the main cast of the show, getting drunk. A scene of a couple fighting, a gun is involved, a spilled glass of wine, and then the two ultimately kissing to make up... quite passionately, is shown. The female lead character slaps the lead male character across the face and this is left to appear normal. She also draws a spray container of mace on him at one point. She is hostile and defensive throughout the majority of the movie. I will say that once love sets in, all of that does change. That is however, near the end. There is a scene that a shot gun in used repeatedly and haphazardly by an elderly woman and one where the chefs in the kitchen are violently throwing knives. Both of those acts of violent aggression are aimed at the rats. There are dead rats hanging in a store window displaying the potency of Rat Killer they are selling. There is at least one rat in a trap as well. There are lines such as, "Welcome to, Hell." and "I will kill you." in this film. But I think maybe one of the rock bottom disturbances for me is that the entire story is based on an orphaned child, born out of marriage.

   Are these situations children will grow up to know about and have to make their own judgements about? Yes. Do they need to be portrayed as normal and entertainment? I don't really think so. See if for yourself and then decide on the appropriateness for your family.

   A little addition here. I like fine cars, especially foreign cars... and most especially, small foreign cars. I really enjoy the Mini-Cooper. The VW Beetle has been a favorite of mine since the late 60's, and while in Germany a few years ago I discovered the "Smart Car". So, an added perk for me was the array of really cute cars you get to see. And, another side note... the food and it's preparation is great.

   All in all, this is a timeless, genderless, race-less, delightful and wonderful piece of cinematic art. It is however in my opinion, not ageless, it is for adults. I predict it to be a classic.

   Since seeing Ratatouille, I've wanted to whip up some French cuisine. So........... we started the day off with rich dark coffee and Tarte Aux Mure & Framboise. The recipe is really for Tarte Aux Fraises. I had to choose between yellowish strawberries, and ones with mold already on them. So the Tarte became a Blackberry and Raspberry tart. When putting it together I realized my fruit selection lent itself to being patriotic after all... whoo hoo. I did use the Sugar Crust Pastry that the chef recommends.
Unfortunate UPDATE: The site was one of my favorite French recipe sites but no longer functions quite like it once did, and these two links are no longer useful.

When I got home from Texas, I noticed my basil was growing in abundance. So the other French recipe I chose was, Chicken with Basil Cream. Dinner looks a little like this:

Chicken with Basil Cream
Poulet avec de la Creme de Basilic
Fresh Green Beans with Tarragon Butter and Toasted Almonds
Les Haricots Verts frais avec du Beurre d'estragon ont grille des Amandes
Baked Potato with Butter, Chive, Salt and Pepper
Pomme de terre cuite au four avec du Beurre, Ciboulette, Sel et le Poivre

It's been a while since I've taken French, but that should be about right. I am thinking about taking French again. I have always liked the language, and if I get to England in the next year, it could come in handy. Maybe Berlitz??? The movie...... well it moved me. Guess you figured that out already.

Perhaps I should have waited ten days to make these two tasty French recipes. I could have done a little Bastille Day thing. Of course if I am to celebrate anything on the 14th of July, it would be my youngest grandson's first birthday. :-)

Have you ever thought about the similarities and differences between our Independence Day, July 4, and France's "Fete Nationale" or Bastille Day, 14 Julliett? Both celebrated in July and grant a day off from work. Both display the national colors of red, white and blue. Both required violence and deaths. Both sport fireworks, airshows, parades and picnics. Anthems of victory evolved from both events. Both commemorate independence for the people, and both began in the third quarter of the eighteenth century. I guess the big differences are that we became independent from the British, and the French were essentially freed from their own government...... and........... the food. Ah, the food. There are some differences there. Typical fare.......... American: hamburgers and hot dogs. French: varieties of baguettes, local cheeses, charcuterie.. (cooked meats such as ham and seasoned dried sausages), fish and chicken pates. American: potato salad and baked beans. French: mixed green salads, mixed olive salads and ragouts such as eggplant and peppers. American: chips and dips. French: bowls of fruit. American: lemonade, beer and wine coolers. French: wine. American: cake and watermelon. French: Madeleines, macaroons, Basque Cake and lots of cherries.

If you noticed not seeing any of the typical creams or sauces in the French food offering for the Bastille Day fare, it is because they typically do not introduce their smooth and scrumptious creams and sauces to summertime celebrations. The Tour de France is going on at the time of the Bastille Day festivities. Maybe that trip to England this year needs to be that week, next year. :-)

I fully intend to make a dinner of Ratatouille when the tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant and bell peppers come in. :-) I will stick to the traditionally common Provincial method rather than "Classical" higher end method. You see both in the movie.

Ratatouille: A popular dish from the French region of Provence that combines eggplant, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, zucchini, garlic and herbs — all simmered in olive oil. The vegetables can vary according to the cook. They can be cooked together, or cooked separately and then combined and heated briefly together. Ratatouille can be served hot, cold or at room temperature, either as a side dish or as an appetizer with bread or crackers. source:

I have waited until today to add a favorite website of mine to my list of, "Great Links". I am going to give a link here so that anyone that wants to see what the purpose and general mission of the web site is, can do that. The new web site I am adding is, Wallbuilders. I hope you will spend some time looking it over. It is an amazing and vast wealth of credible information about our government, its history, where we are headed.... and how to get where we want to be. We have an important election coming up this next year and there are messages out there being thrown at us from all directions. Be sure you are getting the truth so that you are best informed, and can make sound decisions about where you stand and how you will vote. And, DO vote.... please.

No matter where you go, you see a signs, decals, T-shirts, ball caps, yard signs, pennants.... and the list goes on and on, that say, "God, Bless America". I really do understand that when that slogan is displayed, it is displayed sincerely, and with the very best of intentions. But, I have to tell you, when I do see that slogan displayed, it makes me sad because it implies we are without hope, or at best have to nebulously grovel for help. Sometimes it makes me angry because like it or not, the enemy of our souls strives to make us feel hopeless. In general to see that saying slapped everywhere can make me a little weary. I really believe that it is essentially a slap in the face of, God and at best it must grieve Him. Think about it. Let's just say you have just set dinner on the table. And, you have made your child's favorite things, all of them. They are ready to eat... all junior has to do is listen to you when you call, go to the table, and make the effort to receive it. But, junior is sitting in the middle of the front yard whining because he wants to eat. You tell him every way you can that everything he could ever want is just inside at the table and that all he needs to do is get up, go in, sit down and enjoy it all. Well, as hokey as you may be thinking that illustration is, that is exactly what that slogan is saying. You see, God has already done it all, and you can read ALL of it in His promises.. His Word.. The Bible. There is no more for God to do with us except send Jesus back to get us (and the events that will surround all of that). God has done what He is going to do. He has sealed it with the blood of, Jesus. He has given us His Word so we can know all about what He has done and promised. Now, it is up to us. We need to listen to Him, get up and obey Him, and receive those promises. Instead of "God, Bless America", how about we begin seeking Him through His Word, obeying Him and believing the promises He has already given us? How about??? "America, Bless God!" The results would be more wonderful than we could ever imagine or ask for!

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Psalm 91:

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him.
For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor the arrow that flies in the day.
Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
Though a thousand fall at your side,
though ten thousand are dying around you,
these evils will not touch you.
Just open your eyes,
and see how the wicked are punished.
If you make the Lord your refuge,
if you make the Most High your shelter,
no evil will conquer you;
no plague will come near your home.
For he will order his angels
to protect you wherever you go.
They will hold you up with their hands
so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.
You will trample upon lions and cobras;
you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!
The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.
I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long life
and give them my salvation.”

I don't know about you, but I receive that and pray it over my family... regularly!