Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2016

Focusing on the wondrous works of God!

   Yesterday evening Jon and I were leaving for the hospital to visit a friend of his that is in a coma. Last week he was recovering from a massive heart attack and subsequent triple by-pass, and was up talking with us and doing well. He was released. On his way home he suffered another heart attack. He is in a coma, but responded to Jon's voice. They are hopeful. The world views hopeful as wishin' for the best. As a Christian I view hope as confident expectation to see God's Word manifest. I do not concern myself with the "percentages" or "prognosis". My part is to stand on what God has promised, believe that, and not waiver. I don't mix fear and what I see in with the hope I have in my faith in God. (Waiver here: there are factors that involve the person that can usher in or quell those promises.)

   When we were leaving yesterday, I looked up to see yet one more beautiful Oklahoma sky. I was reminded of God’s mercy that endures forever, and the power of His faithfulness, goodness and love. While reading in Psalm 119 this morning I remembered those clouds and how truly awesome our God is. I thought I would share the clouds and the verse that touched me just now.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Westward Ho!

I thought I might post a few photos of our recent move. Since the profile photo of me at the lap top was taken in our home in Indiana, and we have moved, I have changed the photo to one taken in our home in, Oklahoma. Sorry, Kim. Tomorrow, I will post a little about what has been going on here at our house since the move.

Everything was packed up and filled up,

everyone was tucked up... and it off we went.

We left Chesterton, so much later than we anticipated. Originally, we wanted be rolling out by 12:00 noon. There were some unexpected snags and by the time we got a bite to eat at local fast food place, it was 7:30p.m. Had we left on time, our goal was to get to Springfield, Missouri, and stay the night. Doing so we would have easily arrived at our destination by 2:00p.m. the following day, and we could have unloaded and set up the necessities such as bed, linens, couch, and a few needed kitchen items by bedtime. The next day being Sunday, we could have finished unloading and returned the U-Haul trucks that evening. The best laid plans and all that. By the time we had been on the road four hours, and only somewhat down the highway in Illinois, I got a the full impact of the previous three weeks. I became so overwhelmed with sleepiness I had to stop. There was a rest area within a few miles of that wave of drowsiness, and we stopped. I have seen truckers and RV's park and rest for the night at rest areas many times when we have traveled. I just never figured I would be one. But there we were, Baxter and I in one truck, and Jon, in the other, and about 25 of our closest trucker and RV friends we had just never met... snoozing until morning. Up, teeth brushed, clothes changed, a little walk... and we are back at the rambling road and on our way.

320 miles later give or take, we are passing through St. Louis.

300 more miles and we are in Oklahoma and on the Will Rogers Turnpike.

50 miles into Oklahoma, we stop for one last ..... Tornado! Okay, BritGal warned me about this but... yikes. Oh, and Sarah, YES!! feel free to hook me up with your tornado survival expert, Pam??. There was no doubt for those of us at this stop that there was a tornado somewhere in the area. People were getting off of the turnpike because of the high winds. We ventured back out once the wind settled down some and it was still hard to keep those heavy U-Haul trucks on the road. Here is an article, complete with photos I later found about this tornado.

What a trooper! Baxter, did not seem to even mind. These photo's do not do this event justice.

However, he really was having trouble staying on the ground. If memory serves me right, Jon ended up carrying him most of the way back to my truck.

65 miles of driving in really high winds, coupled with being tired and way past our hoped time of arrival, we did not stop in, Tulsa. This photo is from a previous trip and I just thought I would insert it. Normally, we would have stopped here and then had lunch at Rib Crib. Yumm!!!!! a serious perk to living in, Oklahoma!

Another 110 miles and Home Sweet Rent House. :-)

These are two of my granddaughter's that live nearby. Shortly after we moved in, they hand painted (okay, maybe hand permanent marked) a lovely terra cotta pot and filled it with with impatiens. The sentiment on it simply says, "I love you, Nana" and it is trimmed with plum purple ribbon and embellished with carnation pink beading. Thanks, girls!
The people here in Oklahoma, are not in a hurry about anything. I love that. Stress and discouragement are just not a part of everyday life here. I love that. And!! they are all so friendly. I mean it. Everyone has been amazingly friendly. What a lovely place Oklahoma, is. For everyone that has said to me, "Welcome to, Oklahoma", let me just say, I do feel very welcomed here and I am glad to be here.

More tomorrow on a few wonderful things that have happened in the last three weeks.

Blessings wherever you are!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I've been tagged, and oh yeah, I've moved!

My Okie ~ British friend Sarah, has tagged me. This is the first time I have ever been tagged. Whoo Hoo!!! I am a little surprised as although I have been reading and keeping up with those I blogs I enjoy reading, I have not been posting much lately. I suppose now is as good a time as any to get around to mentioning why. Some of you are aware, and others of you are not, that Jon, Baxter and I moved to Oklahoma, a few weeks ago. Actually, since it is the 10th, we have been here exactly one month now. We knew we would be leaving the Chesterton, Indiana, area. We had felt God’s leading for some time. I honestly thought we would be heading southeast. But God, had a different plan. We are now Okie’s, or as some say, Sooners.

Every door we tried to open in the Nashville, or Atlanta, area was shut hard and fast. The door here in Oklahoma, was completely a God thing. It is a great move for Jon’s career, the people he works for are amazing in the way they run their business, (it came as no surprise to find out they were Christians), and the weather and people here are so great. We are loving it here. And, we are now involved with a church that is beyond amazing. I have been to a number of churches and just want to say, the church we are now attending is by far the most balanced and biblically based church I have ever been to. I have never gone into this on my blog, but it completely distresses me how far off the “church” is today from the blueprint set up for her in the New Testament. Enough said on that right now, I will just highlight how happy we are at the church we are now at.

Alrighty then, to get on about the business at hand. I need to share six random things about myself that I have never shared on this blog, and then proceed to tag six people to do the same. Here goes.

The Rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about you in your blog post.
4. Tag six people in your post.
5. Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.

Six random things about myself never shared on this blog.

I just have to say here that a tag like this makes you realize how much we do share on our blogs. As I try to think of random and so far undisclosed things about myself, I am acutely aware of how much I have shared. But... here we go.

1. Although there are many places I love to be, one of my favorite places to be is in the water. I find being in water so freeing and such a release. I do like aquatic exercise better than any other form, but just being in the water gives me the feeling of such freedom, a complete break from any stress, and quite honestly I feel closer to God while in water than anywhere else. I realize He lives in me and that is theologically an off statement, but I am not talking about theology and fact. Some people read or write better inside of a building, outside at a park or beach... I feel closest to God in the water. Perhaps it is because I equate freedom with my relationship to Him. And, for a little extra added measure here, I have always wanted to swim with Dolphins. They are the most graceful and free spirited creatures on the planet. Just watch the way they sachet out of the water and the very same way they sachet back in, creating peacefully perfect movement.

2. There are so many things I really enjoy doing, but the thing I love to do the most is public speaking. I do enjoy being in dramatic productions. I enjoy being the MC for an event. I even enjoy narration for productions. Be that as it may, I am most myself when I am speaking to a group of people (the larger the better), about the Lord, His Word and what He has done in my life. I honestly believe that moving to Oklahoma, has been a strategic part of just what it is God is calling me out to do. And, I am very excited about the things He is laying on my heart in this area.

3. I have won first place blue ribbons in both “Show” and “Taste” in two baking contests. The first was for my Lemon Meringue Pie, the second for my Banana Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.

4. I have never been, nor I desire to be in the “Twiggy” category where my body is concerned. I am not tall and I do not have a gangly frame. I am 5’3”, and when my weight is appropriate I have an average and proportionate body shape. When my weight is where it should be, I like my body and my size. I especially like my height. However, after 7 years of much turmoil in 1999, I found myself weighing a solid 50 pounds more than I should. In 1999, I searched scripture for what God had to say about food, diligence, faithfulness and self-control. By applying those principles to my life, I lost and kept off 23 pounds. In 2002, I felt like it was time to begin an eating system that was right for me. After much prayer and research, I started doing the Weight Watcher’s point system, for eating. The program is do~able and successful because it is not a diet and gives you choices and responsibility, which create a life style rather than a setting you up for failure. Their system figures in fiber which is such an important element healthy eating. I will say right here that I did not and do not use the Weight Watcher's Tools for Living. These tools are bandages, and only give surface answers to what I found to be deep rooted issues where food is concerned. For that, I use the principles for food, diligence, faithfulness and self-control I have found in God’s, Tools for Living. In using His tools and the Weight Watcher’s point system, I took off the last 27 pounds in 2002.

That weight stayed off for nearly four years. I had foot surgery in 2006, that made walking (my everyday exercise) impossible for nearly a year. It has only been in the last few months that I can really walk with any ease. Consequently, I have put on ( I just got on the scale) 15.5 of those pounds. So, after my daughter and grandchildren leave and go back to Texas, after this really nice visit we are having right now, I am back on points and walking as I can. I will report on my success and maybe even journal some about this.

5. First, I want to say that while nothing can replace the practice of getting adequate amounts of sunshine, fresh air, exercise, rest, water and whole foods, to ensure good health, we need to examine the amount of essential nutrients we are receiving by the foods we do eat. For a vast amount of reasons from poor agriculture practices, to poor food processing, to the less than green environment we live in, we can not get everything we need and used to be able to receive through our food. However with careful research, both personally and medically, scientifically and through seeking and relying on the One Who created me to lead me, I have discovered the right brand and types of food supplements to take. I do not agree with all of the Shaklee products, and only use what I know is right for me. So, the 5th random thing about me is, I do use food supplements, and I use Shaklee. At this stage in my life I am having what I would call my own personal summers. :~) As long as I incorporate Shaklee's Energizing Soy Protein in my diet everyday, I rarely experience them. I can even drink coffee and tea with caffeine with no problem. Let me miss a day or two of the soy protein and it’s hot flashes all day long, and sleep is a little warmer than I like, too.

I used to struggle with an anemic condition and was on heart medicine. My last physical was typical of the physical exams I have had the last three years. All of my blood work, and we do the much more than just the CBC and a few panels, is great. All of the numbers you look at on my results are either right in the middle of the normal range, or slightly better than normal. Blood pressure is very good, too.

I do want to mention we can not replace the eating of adequate amounts of whole foods with the taking of food supplements, regardless of how high the quality. Also, though there are rave reviews regarding the loss of weight, particularly belly fat weight with Shaklee’s product called “Cinch”, and it apparently does have it’s ingredients derived from the same quality of food their other products are, I want to note it here that I am not in favor of the methods used by this product, nor the concept.

6. The last random thing I will list is a list of some things I would~will enjoy doing:

  • Learn to fly an helicopter.
  • Speak French with complete fluency.
  • Meet and perhaps even have conversation Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.
  • Meet and perhaps even have conversation with First Lady, Laura Bush.
  • Swim with Dolphins, I believe I mentioned that earlier.
  • Watch all of my grandchildren become the people God created them to be.
  • Travel some in France, Spain, Greece and of course... Britain.
  • See my son~in~law back on domestic soil.
  • Be involved in a true New Testament church, commonly known as "House Church".
Six people to tag because I'd love to hear their responses!


Be blessed!