Showing posts with label Cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cards. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2012

Deciding to GO.

I stumbled on to the pictures below in my iPhoto yesterday. They reminded me of something I thought I might share here. For a few years I had been frustrated, significantly frustrated, with a number of things. At the heart of it all; it was me I was frustrated with. I think I knew that all along but oh how easy it is to find other reasons and people to blame. This of course, only magnifies the angst of the frustration. I can be quite resourceful and so I put myself to the task of peeling off the layers that were weighing me down. With every plan I came up with to clear away a situation bothering me I became more confused and yes, frustrated. Once the confusion got annoying enough I had an epiphany (the one from which I had been running), I knew where confusion came from and it was not God. God is the giver of peace, such peace we can’t even understand, but we do have complete access to. I also knew my frustration and confusion were directly related. I was frustrated because I was not giving God 100%, and I was becoming increasingly confused the more ran from what he was asking of me. James is clear about the end of that, For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. James 3:16

As a young girl one of my favorite things to do was go out to my father’s garden. I enjoyed gardening but what I really liked doing was teaching the vegetables. Dad’s asparagus stood straight up and at attention. The staked tomatoes were tall and seemingly attentive the way the seemed to reach upward and outward. The pole beans on their wig~wam style sticks just climbing up so quickly seemed eager to hear what I had to say. Imagine my delight when dad decided to give Brussel Sprouts a go. For one thing by autumn the other plants were in canning jars but the Brussel Sprouts were just coming up, a couple more months to teach! And, each plant had many attentive little heads, what joy!!! Yes, each vegetable plant was a part of a wonderfully captive audience.

Somehow, no matter what I considered, I always knew that sharing and teaching was to be  a part of my life. Truth be known, I knew it was to be what I did with my life. I love my family, nutrition and healthy habits for healthy living are things I enjoy reading and talking about, but it has always been the Bible, God’s Word, that I have enjoyed hearing taught. I even enjoyed just the simple Sunday School stories and the flannel-graphs and well.... really anything at church as a child. When I decided to make Jesus the Lord of my life those stories became real to me, they started to become a part of me. As I grew older and life presented less than fun experiences; the Word of God became what I leaned on and trusted in. By this time I was enjoying the Bible on my own. Have you ever thought about how a baby needs milk from its mother and as that baby grows it begins to feed itself and can manage meat on its own? I look back on that time in my life when I picked up my Bible and began to feed myself rather than counting on a Pastor, Youth Leader, Sunday School teacher or Grandmother to nurse me. What a warm and lovely thing to to ponder. I felt so independent and yet knew that I knew I depended on God and God alone. I could just stop here and bask in that, but I want to say something so I will move forward.

Forward. I have wonderful children, each unique and amazing. I love to look back and think of some of the wonderful times watching them grow, think about some hard times and how God molded all of us through them. I enjoy thinking about their accomplishments, everything from first steps to some of the things they have done just recently. I enjoy thinking about some of the things God has done through me. But.......  You know that verse that Paul encourages us to move forward?

I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:12-14 NLT

I have heard that verse used to preach how we must not look at our failings in the past, after all Paul was the in the natural, and by his own admission, one of the worst of sinners. I do not remember ever hearing a sermon or teaching on not dwelling in the past about our good memories or accomplishments. Only a handful of times did God tell His people to wait to do something and there was always a purpose for future benefit when He did. For instance, when Jesus told some of the disciples, his mother and some other women and his brothers to wait there in Jerusalem until they received the Promise His Father had made about sending the Holy Spirit. He did this because once He was gone they would need the Holy Spirit to endue them with power to continue in ministry. Overall however, God is a GO God. We are told to GO to all the nations. Abraham was always being told to GO. Moses same thing, GO. God told Joshua that yes, Moses was dead, now get up and GO over the Jordan, you and all the people because He was giving them the land He promised. He told Joshua just as He promised Moses, every place Joshua placed the sole of his feet God had given him. God also as with Moses, told Joshua He would never leave or forsake him, just GO. I am not saying it is not good to remember good things and to think on the wonderful things God has done. What I am saying is we are not to camp there. We are to continue walking, GOing forward in the steps God has put before us and Jesus left example of.
I had become most frustrated and wanted to find any reason I could to not take responsibility for it. I did begin to talk with God about how the frustration was getting to be too much and that the pain of staying in that rut was quickly surpassing the pain of facing whatever it was I needed to face to get to the other side of the barren land of Frustration. In a later post I will perhaps go into some detail about how that happened, but for now suffice it to say when I completely yielded myself,  God showed me why I was being so resistant. I stopped my world right then and there. I had known on some level why I was not moving forward in the things God placed before me. Now, He gave me a clear and pretty full picture of the whole of that dilemma. Somehow now I believe I am suppose to put that out there, so here it is.
God called me years ago to teach, and not just anything but to teach people how much He loves them and specifically teach His Word. Here it is. There are things in my past I am not proud of and things I regret. As with things that bring shame and remorse; those things were sin. People look at the actions of people to judge God by. People that want to discredit God do this, but more grievously people who claim to be Christians do too. I did not want to bring anymore blows to the name of God and I thought stepping out in His Name, teaching His Word would bring undeserved marring to Him. The enemy had me right where He wanted me, and deception at its finest, I thought I was doing God a favor.

When God got through to me that day last August, and I realized the bondage I had been in and that God wanted me to do exactly what He called me to do and He would take care of me and anything that came of someone trying to taint my testimony or tarnish Him, I made a quality decision to get up and GO. God will never leave or forsake me and when my journey on this side of glory is done I want it to be said of me:

[That] I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to doJohn 17:4 NLT

So now I am pressing on to do just that. I enrolled August 11, 2011 in college and am majoring in Biblical Studies. I have eight classes done, my lowest overall class grade being a 94.40% with my overall grade thus far being 98.25%. Even at that, the beautiful thing is I have had that peace that passes human understanding that we have access to, and I have had that peace from the moment I decided to follow God and give Him 100%.

These note cards are one of the little projects I did back then when I was so frustrated. I went through some time of searching my heart and seeking God. These were made while I was earnestly seeking Him and just prior to my decision to obey God. Thank you Father for your patience and for never giving up on me. Thank you that you will never leave or forsake me. I love you, all of You, with all of me.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blessing for your Birthdays

I actually made this card last year but thought today would be a great day to post it. Today is my granddaughter's birthday, and it would have been my mom's 78th birthday. Happy birthday, Sweetie! I miss you, Mom. That particular granddaughter and her great grandmother were very close and I know she still thinks about her. Tomorrow is my son~in~love's birthday, 30 years young he will be! And last but not least, Thursday is my dear friend Kim's birthday. Happy Birthday, Kim!!  I love all of you!

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy...,   and I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:3-4a, 6

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Random cards I thought I would share.

I don't plan to post cards much, but I have made a few in the last year I thought I would put on here.

You have seen a version of this one before. My friend Kim made one like this for my birthday and I posted it last April. Okay, she did not make one like this one, I designed this card off of her beautiful card. It was fun to make, one of my favorites.

This card was also so much fun to make. I felt like I was playing, sort of how I loved coloring as a kid.

This little poem came to me in an instant. I had started this card but was not even thinking about it when this popped in my head. It is a bit of a spin off of a nursery rhyme that one of the recepients of this card loved when she was a little girl.

This card was so much fun. One of my favorite color combinations and so Sweet!

Sometimes you just have to stop and say a simple thank you to someone that has shown you love.

A small gift for a dear woman going through a horrible time and would be sending some Thank You cards.

And then a special card just for her went with the Thank You cards.

Just a grace note.

Simple but great message, such sweet words, Bee Happy!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cookies, cards, family and friendship.

Thank you, Kim. You are a good friend and a generous one!

Those items in the picture above are gifts my dear friend Kim gave me for my birthday in September 2009. I feel awful because I am just now posting them. They are all from her heart. The Nestabilities are the only ones I own and I love them. The pad comes with them and the stamps are so beautiful, she knew I would love those. I have never seen All Creatures Great and; Small, until she sent the DVD's to me. What wonderful tales of veterinary medicine and animals in York! The card. Kim has made some very amazing cards over the years. This is my favorite. I is the most beautiful card. My favorite colors, vellum and baking too! I have it displayed in my spare bedroom with other cards she has sent me. Thank you, Kim! 

I believe the last time I made a card was July, 2009. That is SO sad! I am redefining my life right now; I am taking it back and making it what I want it to be. Card making may not be the defining point of my life, nor sadly enough it may not be a huge part of my life, but it is most definitely one of the pleasures of life as far as I am concerned. It is therapy at its finest as it provides stress relief, an outlet to create and time of quite and meditation ~ even if I have a DVD popped in. I made a this card that same weekend we tried this church. That is huge. Sad, yeah I know. It was the first card I have made I think since Kim sent me the Nestabilities, I used one of them. They are wonderful! How easy to make that circle now. Did I say, Thank you, Kim??? My daughter had a VERY trying week that week, and that was the easy part. My son~in~law and grandson experienced big time yuck that week. Card and cookie time! It is so hard as a Nana to be so far away when nastiness strikes. So, what does a Nana do? Pray. Pray and pray. Then when you have done that she stands firm on the promises she just prayed over those that need it and then she makes a card, bakes some cookies, and heads to the post office.
Loads of Love!!!!!

And how better to say that than with pink M & M's?

     I can not end this post without saying how happy I am for the Green Bay Packers win this year at SuperBowl XVL! Any of you that followed my blog back when I was faithful to write in it know they are my team.  My husband and one son~in~law are Chicago Bears fans. Another son~in~law is a Washington Redskins fan, and one of my grandson’s is a Minnesota Vikings fan. Christmas this year brought plenty of evidence of that. made out quite well with my family this year as you will see in the picture below, and that was not all of it. The amazing thing was that as devoted as we are to our respective teams; the Christmas Spirit was also abundantly evident in how we all gave each other that which meant something to the recipient even though it was a little against our own preferred favorite team. Green Bay did win the SuperBowl and I was proud of them and delighted, but not anywhere as much as I was this past Christmas of my family, when giving from the heart is always more of a win! The blessed life.

Christmas Spirit!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Card Cubby and a Card.. finally.

While we were in our rent house for 11 months I believe I made only one card, and that was almost a full year ago. I simply did not have my stamps, ink, paper and tools accessible. I did manage in this down time recovering from surgery to get my stamps, ink, paper and tools organized and put away so as to be accessible. Yay!!

Seaside Sketches stamp set by Stampin' Up is one of my favorites. So... after placing everything away in its appointed cubby... I did not resist the temptation to throw a card together. Wow!!!! did it feel good to sit down and do that! The photo is not great being a little fuzzie and jaded with shadow... but here it is just the same. I will go back to work within the week, but now at least I can put a card together if I want to. Big hurdle cleared!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thank you! for the Thank You card.

Well, it looks like I will be getting back to the store where I bought these frames.

Inside those frames I matted and framed two beautiful cards that Kim over at Nutbrown Cottage sent me. Her cards are amazing and I am not the only one that thinks so, she has been published more than once. Actually, it was through her card making that I met Kim. The card on the right with two girls walking through a sand dune is a card she sent just because we are friends. The card on the left was sent blank for me to do with or send to whomever I wanted. There's me being selfish... I wanted it, them, where I could be see them. You can read more about all of that here.

I now have received a simply gorgeous card from Kim. It is a Thank You card. Though the photo is good, it does not show off how truly beautiful this card is. The colors and textures are amazing. You can go here to read all about how she put this precious piece of art (and her work really is art) together. I enjoy her stamping blog along with many others. She shows great techniques and how to's with photo's of beautifully clever cards she makes. Kim has a website that is just packed with goodies beyond just stamping. She has a more complete display of cards there as well. This website is how I got started stamping myself, and where I met her. Nice little corner of the web it is!

Kim, I just had a particularly hectic and somewhat stressful week. This card was balm to the wounds and came just at the right moment. Thank you. It is just beautiful. And, it will be framed as soon as I go get the frame. {{{hugs}} almost a full right side squeeze eh?

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Cupcake of Coffee.

Recently, I began posting with a network of women that post every Saturday, under the heading of Then Sings My Soul Saturday. I love being a part of this. I really enjoy reading what the other women have to say, and I love having a place to reflect and report a song that ministered to me that week. This weekend a few things got in the way and I did not post mine. I felt badly enough about it that I almost did that entry today instead of this. But, I am going to save it for next, Saturday. I mention that here because some of the what I will say here will in part be repeated to a degree next, Saturday.

This past week, a dear blogging friend of mine sent me some of the Mrs. Meyer's dryer sheets, and Lavender Window Cleaner she had mentioned on her blog. By the way, until August 24th, all orders over $50 will have no shipping charges if you are interested in trying any of her products. I am very happy with them, and plan to use some of these products regularly. It has been a long time since I really enjoyed cleaning my home.

I began blogging because of this blogging lady. Kim, has an enjoyable web site and personal blog. She also has a blog for her cards. She is an amazing stamper. Her cards have been published in national stamping magazines. I really enjoy just looking at them. Well, in that package of Mrs. Meyer's products, she sent me two of her handmade cards. One card was sent to me, for me. The other card was left blank to use as I wanted. The card sent to me had the sentiment "Friends" on it. This was the first card she made using a new toy she bought. The other card was the first card she stamped after a short time off from stamping. She asked me to choose a stamp set and that would get her started. I love the set "Sweet Herbs" and she had made a beautiful card with it some time before.

When I received those two cards, I knew immediately I would frame them. She is a dear lady and friend and those cards mean something to me. I have changed over the years. I no longer decorate my house to "look" good, I fill it with those things that I have sentimental attachment to, things I love, things that make a house, my home. One of my spare bedrooms is what my family refers to as, The Pink Room. And it is. There are pink candles, a pink quilt, a Victorian chair with tapestry cover that has pink roses that belonged to my dear neighbor Joyce, the footstool that was my mother's that I recovered in pink floral tapestry. You get the idea. There are several other things in that room that are so special to me. One of those things is a my parents first bedroom suit. It is now 51 years old. Another precious thing in that room is a the Morse sewing machine that has been around since before my time, was my mother's, and I learned to sew on it. The machine is in it's original cabinet and the accessories box is still on the door. On top of that cabinet is pink potpourri that rests in a lead crystal bowl. That was one of the two pieces of crystal I gave my mother when she retired from 33 years of working for the federal government. And now... that bowl is joined by two precious framed cards.

Kim's blog is called, Coffee in the Morning, and it used to be, Coffee and a Muffin. While framing those cards, I got to thinking about "Coffee"... go figure. That was when I came up with the idea to experiment a little with coffee and cake. The result was some Coffee and Cream cupcakes. A Cupcake of Coffee, really. :~) I will not attempt false humility here, they taste GREAT! I am very happy with them and so are those that have taste tested them for me. Since these Cupcakes of Coffee were inspired by Kim, when we are able to get together in Texas, hopefully sometime soon, I will make a batch for her and her family, and whisk (no pun intended) them down to her.

Pull up chair and have a Cupcake of Coffee with me!

Monday, July 28, 2008

A pale attempt at showing how very much I care.

You may remember on May 23rd, I posted "Take a Walk With Me Around My Little Town". In that, I mentioned a woman, Mary Ann Wenzel. She is a retired high school nurse, my school nurse, now working at the library in the town I lived in. In December, her husband passed away. I was so saddened by that. Not long ago, her daughter Jean Therese Wenzel, only 47 years young, passed away. This was unexpected and naturally I was quite saddened. I have not made a card in some time, but I just could not bring my self to buy a ready made card for Mary Ann. So, I thought I might give you all a look at my first card in quite some time... that I really wish I had had no reason, or at least a different reason to make. I really care about, Mary Ann. She is one of those special people in my life that I count a blessing. I have not missed being in, Chesterton. I would like to be able to see her, drop off some cookies, scones, banana bread, something... and just tell her how much I care, and that I am there. But, the card has to do. I'm not there am I? I like where I am and don't miss Indiana, but this one is tough.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I love the good things in life.

And this, is one of them. The other day, Jon went across the street to talk to Mr. .... You could not ask for better neighbors. They are really good and nice people. They are Christians, and it shows! Big time. Anyway, I had baked some Oatmeal Raisin cookies the day before. Was it because I had been looking at cookie recipes online, or because I am reading the last in the Hannah Swensen Cookie Mysteries, or because I was out of anything to have with tea..... who knows?? I baked the decadent things. Of course I was catching myself eating them when it was not time to have tea. I had already given a good portion of the batch away to another neighbor, and now it was time to get rid of the rest. This neighbor Jon, was going to go talk to, have five children. I got those little tasty treats wrapped up, and off they went. Whew!!!! Not too much damage done, and now they are gone. No more baking for a while.

So today, I am getting ready to have dinner and one of the daughter's of the neighbor Jon, was talking to comes over. Always nice to see her. Below is why she came over. She made me a Thank You card, for the cookies, and had her sister's sign it! Her younger brother's were busy outside doing whatever it is little boys do. Etiquette and good manners still exist! And in the next generation! This is such a good thing. I am so touched and encouraged that I just had to stop what I was doing and share this. I have only photographed the upper portion of the inside of the card so as to protect their privacy.

I do believe by the looks of this card, this girl is stamper in the making. :-)

Be blessed (I just was),

Monday, January 28, 2008

Good to be back!

Back to blogging....

I thought I might share with you the events of the last several months, but attempt after attempt has been foiled. So, in the interest in just getting back on here, I am going to post a few pictures and short vignettes, to give a condensed and limited overview of the last few months. At that point I can get back on here and do some blogging! I am excited about that. This blog is going to finally be used for what I had originally intended it to be for, to share those things that are going on in my life, that are on my heart, and important to me, with friends. Speaking of which, I have the privilege of starting this comeback entry with some really wonderful news. For those of you that followed my blog, you will remember my friend, Kim. For those of you that are new here, I am excited to introduce you to her.
This is, Kim. Earlier last year, Kim took a short sabbatical from blogging. But, she is back!! You can visit her anytime you like. Her blogging is rich in warmth, loaded with practical living advice and tips, and now she is on an exciting journey, a quest taking her to an exploration of her, Christian faith. So, as she would say, grab a muffin and a cup of coffee and spend some time with her. You will be glad you did, and I think you will visit regularly. Welcome back, Kim!!!

Some changes.

One thing I suppose I'd like to show you, is something that is just a little new for me. You may recognize this photo from an earlier "profile". I am posting it here to just say that my hair has looked this way for years.

Not too long after the football season started this year, my husband bought me this wonderful sweatshirt. So, this photo is a twofer. I get to show off my favorite NFL team, and of course the real purpose here is to show you a new hair style that I had cut at the onset of autumn. It was fun, and I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed it so much that I did this.....

I am completely enjoying this new do, and don't plan to change much about it for quite some time!

I started this little section off mentioning the earlier "profile" photo. I guess I could give a little explanation about the current "profile" photo. When I started to put together a "comeback" blog entry, I got on my computer one Saturday, morning and as soon as the coffee was ready, I got right on it. My husband thought it might be cute to take a picture of me so that I could use a realistic "blogger" photo. I was yet in my nightgown, merely slipping on an old grey sweatshirt, and yes, I had done the ritualistic teeth brushing, face washing and barely skimming a brush through my hair, but that was it. That photo is as real as it gets, and I thought him nuts to suggest it be a "profile" photo. But, when I dropped the insecurity that vanity begets, I realized he was right. It is a perfect profile photo for a blogger. It is real, and so will this blog be. I hope you enjoy visiting here.

This blog will be so very real. Why? Well, why bother if it is not. Also, the new hairstyle is not the only change in my life. After quite a wait, I am back in school. This time I will be completing my course work and receive my degree. I am noticing that I am so consumed, happily and gratefully consumed, with my course work that my devotions and time with God, have been too brief. Occasionally, I skip a day entirely. Using this blog as a way to share those nuggets of life producing wonder that I find while spending time with God, will do two things. First, it will keep me on track to spend that time daily with the, Lord. Second, it will keep me blogging. Will I be exclusively posting my faith journey. No, of course not. But, in doing some of that I will stay on track. I love twofers!

Also, the style of my home is rather a cottage layout. I have begun to update it, room by room and transform it into a cottage home. I will be posting photos of my progress. Next to sharing ones heart and faith, it doesn't get much more real than being invited into someone's home. Consider yourself invited. I only wish we could visit, and have tea and biscuits together.

A little catch up on my daughters.

Last October, my oldest daughter Angela, was on the Today Show. If you are interested in a link to watch that interview, I will send it to you. I am sure you understand why I would not post that publically, and this is not a private blog. Zumba, is rapidly growing in popularity, and extremely effective in meeting it's goal of helping anyone who wants to achieve better health, do so. The philosophy behind Zumba, is that people don't like to exercise, but they love to have fun and dance. We enjoy a good party. The way the movements are designed, anyone at any level of health can join in and begin. The result of people enjoying what they are doing is that they will continue doing it. Having that activity be proven for results in health and appearance is, people keep doing it and become healthier. My daughter struggled with eating and hated exercise. Sound familiar? She attended one Zumba class. When she got there she was heavier than she had ever been, and had no energy. Six months later... well you will see the results below. She did not do anything in the way of dieting. Zumba, gave her such energy and a feeling of accomplishment within herself, that modifying her food intake came naturally. Zumba used my daughter as their poster child last year. The Today Show, did the segment on her journey with, Zumba. Oh, so you know, this daughter is an R.N., and has been for several years. She endorses Zumba to the degree that she is now a certified instructor. Personally, I think she is considering opening a Zumba, studio. Without further adieu:
Before.... and after.

This is my daughter with the Zumba, owner, Beto.

The Dayton Daily News, featured her in their newspaper. Angela, is actually very quiet and has never liked the lime light. I'm not sure she has absolutely loved all of the spotlight that has been on her, but she knows Zumba, works, and she has a passion about feeling good and helping others to do the same. She feels great! She looks amazing~ and I am so happy for her. Oh yeah... I'm very proud of her.


Last summer, and since my last post, my daughter Melissa, and her two daughter's, drove out from Oklahoma, to visit. We had a really nice time. She always has so much she wants to go and do and see. And, I am pleased to say, she actually wants me to go with her. The next time she visits, I have my own little list of go and do and sees, to do with her. :-) Okay, maybe we will alternate, her thing... my thing, her thing... then my thing. Fair is fair, and she is the one that drives all that way, so her thing can be first. :-)

This is my daughter, with her two daughters.

When making and, or eating Strawberry Shortcake, some like Sponge Cake, some Angel Food cake, some Pound cake. BUT... it is called..... Strawberry Shortcake. And, this is one of the few times that I am a traditionalist. The traditional Strawberry Shortcake had strawberries, whipped cream and, Shortcake. Since it is early summer when this delicacy is best made, I do vary from the traditional whipped cream, and buy really good Breyer’s Natural Vanilla ice cream. I rarely, maybe twice a year, actually buy ice cream, but this is one of those times. But, did I mention the Shortcake is non-negotiable?

Sponge Cake - They are similar to angel cakes in that they use many eggs and no shortening or leavening. Sponge cakes use the whole eggs, while angel cakes use only the whites. THINK TWINKIE.

Angel Food Cake – Angel Food Cake is also known as foam-style cake. They are made with a large quantity of egg whites and no shortening or leavening. Angel Food or "angel cake" is thought to be a takeoff of the cornstarch cake and the sponge cake. I am not, nor have I ever been a fan of this cake. Truth be told, well............... yuk.

Pound Cake - This cake gets its name from the amounts of the ingredients used in the original recipe. One pound of each; butter, sugar, eggs and flour. Through the course of time, baking powder has been added to some recipes, as have flavorings such as lemon and almond,etc. This one is not a yuk, it is a huge.... YUM!!! Alas, it is not, Shortcake, and I don’t use it as if it were.

There is something called, Cottage Pudding. I have run across recipes for it in the last couple of years. It is suppose to be more of a cake than pudding, and is apparently used as the base cake for, Stawberry Shortcake dessert. I do plan to try one of these recipes, but......... you got it, I love my Shortcake with that strawberry flavor, texture and syrup... so.........

Shortcake - Short doughs bake up rich and crumbly. Think a sweet biscuit. Properly made, they are this way for three reasons. First, they have a high ratio of fat to flour. As always, I use only real butter, and for shortcakes I use unsalted. I also use whole milk. Second reason, they are made with low-protein flour that contains no, and produces little gluten. I only use cake flour. And third, Shortcake is to be tender and flaky much like pie crust, so handle it like pie crust... a little as possible. Bread gets its soft pillowy texture from kneading; That is not what you want here. Then, bake high and fast! 450 degrees for 8-10 minutes max.

Since they were here when strawberries were good, my daughter wanted homemade Strawberry Shortcake. I saw this as a perfect opportunity to teach her older daughter the ways of Shortcake. I talked to her about the different styles of cakes that you just read about as she made the the shortcakes. I had her use the Jiffy mix. It makes great shortcakes that are impossible to foil, and I knew the first time making them she would enjoy that. Besides, her mom keeps it on hand for pancakes. She could make these again for her daddy, when she got home.

Seven and one half years old, and putting the families dessert together. Strawberries are already sliced and in the refrigerator.

Proud of her tasty finished product. She really did it all by herself. I was busy telling her the Shortcake tales. Next summer we will pull out the cake flour, etc.

I forgot to mention that my daughter brought their Westie, Sassy. Baxter had his 2nd birthday while they were here, so he and Sassy got some really special birthday treats. Yep, we celebrate Baxter's birthday every year, this year was just extra special since his cousin was here. Actually, Westie's and Scotties really are Scottish cousins. :-)

Here are a few more photos of these two cousins. Silly? Maybe, but I love 'em and its my blog.

And now it's time to go home. I love this picture of Melissa, and, Baxter. They have been close since.... well do ya believe in love at first sight??


Last, but certainly not least...

As you can imagine, I have an abundance of photos of my daughters, and their families. I limit posting them as this is a blog and not a photographic journal. Blog... a place to put my thoughts and what is important to me. I went to Texas to see my daughter Tara, in November. Once again, my son-in-law.... I really don't like that term. My son-by-love, Marty, has been deployed to, Iraq. He left early November and will be there, bar an R & R, for 15 months. The pictures I will post of this daughter are going to surround that. I see no reason to give explanations or comments. If ever the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words.", is true, it is here. I think these photos speak for themselves.

These are photos taken the day Marty's, unit was deploying.

I know children are to such an amazing degree resilient. I also know that Tara, is a wonderful mother, and these children are being handled, nurtured and reasurred, very well. I am sure however that you would understand why I am sobbing, and why my heart is so desparately broken. Marty is a good father and these children need him. They will survive this as well as any will because of how Marty, and Tara. have handled all of this. But, I just want that family in tact and back to normal Those children need him, so does, Tara.

I took the following photos while in Texas, in, November. Telephone calls are precious right now. I wanted to capture that, and was delighted that Tara, did not seem to mind.

This is one of the last pictures I took while visiting in, Texas. The night before, my grandson asked if we could have apples cut up for a snack, and have a little caramel and chocolate to dip them in. OH YEAH!!! No problem. The next day after school, that is exactly what they had. All three of these kids liked this after school snack.

Friday's in the park.

Summer time in this little town I live in is really wonderful. May, through October, we have an European Market, the dunes of Lake Michigan are closeby, and every Friday night there is a live concert and movie in the park. The concerts begin at 7 pm and each week they offer different performers with different styles of music. As dusk gives way to dark, the movie begins. They are children's movies. The last one I was aware of was, Curious George. I loved that monkey as a kid...... okay, still do. One evening the concert was given by,
Northwest Indiana Pipes and Drums . They are a very good group of bagpipers and drummers. They participate in competitions, and place well. I took pictures of them when they performed at our little park. One of the members that manages their web site spotted me. She asked if I would send her some of the photos. I did, and they actually used them on their web site. I was flattered. I had the pleasure of spending some time with the Pipe Major, Bill Smillie. He is the most delightful man. He comes to a nearby city and gives private bagpipes lessons. I was so taken in with his passion and Scottish accent, I considered taking lessons. Ridiculous... I know.

Oh yah, tis me lad Baxter, ye be seein' in the photo.

End of summer brings Melissa's birthday. In our family, golden birthdays are really special. Melissas', particularly so. For one thing, she is the biggest fan of nostalgia. For another, her golden birthday was especially unique. She was born at 8:29 pm, on 8/29. Every year I call her at 8:29 pm regardless of where she is. Due to a family situation, on year I missed that. She was adult about it, but it she did miss it. Like I said, the nostalgic one. Anyway, she wanted more made of this one than we usually make of the 3oth birthday. So Jon, Baxter and I went to celebrate with her.

Happy Golden Birthday, Sunshine!

After being there several days, we headed home. We stopped to see friends in Shawnee, Kansas. Mary has the best coffee. She buys it online, I think. I need to email her and get that information so I can order some of that coffee. Baxter, especially enjoyed that visit. Mary and her husband have two Scotties. The last time Baxter, saw them there were three. Their Duncan, passed away last year. That was gut wrenching. Angus, and Montgomery, are wonderful playmates though. Montgomery, is the wheaten colored Scottie.

Baxter, Montgomery and Angus.

Baxter, Montgomery and Angus.

Baxter, bringing up the rear.

Angus, Montgomery and Baxter.

Rosemary and Thyme

In the midst of all of the events since my last post, I have discovered... yes another British murder mystery series. This one is the cleanest as far as language and content goes that I have found thus far. Not that the others had anything lewd, graphic or particularly violent in them. I mean after all, Brits do polite and genteel murder... for the most part. They tend to focus on drama of plot and not on dread of horror. Of course one must overlook just a small handful such as, Jack the Ripper and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. :-/ Those of you that indulge as I do in British who dunit's, know what I mean. Those of you that don't might want to take a look into it. :-) And, here is a great place to begin, especially if you also enjoy gardening. I, with great enthusiasm present to you, Rosemary and Thyme. I really, really... really, enjoy this series. I have had to travel to a branch of our county library that is not as close to my home as some of the others, and is not in a direction I tend to travel in to see the entire series. It has been worth it! And, I would do it again but, since I now own the complete collection, I guess that will not be necessary. ;-)

Great finds.

While in an embroidery shop here in town this past summer, I found some wonderful patterns. All but one was at least 20 years old. The newest one was one I was actually considering buying, I just did not want to drop $11.95 for a Tote Bag, Backpack, Purse and Cosmetic Bag pattern, no matter how cute or functional they were. The good news is, they were all $1.00 each, including the new one. I have not done anything with this pattern other than buy some fabric for the coat view. Since I found it a little challenging to find anything with Scottish Terrier's on it, I just have to post the pictures of this pattern.

The next two patterns I did not take pictures of the pattern envelopes. Instead, I took pictures of the finish products. The sizes on these patterns was off, but altering was a snap. They were so much fun to make. Melissa, sent me pictures of the little Oklahoma, cowgirls wearing the costumes from the two patterns.

The costumes were such a hit at the older one's school Fall Fair, that she has asked that I make her costume next year. Oh the things a Nana gets to do! :-)


And for now last (there is a small separate post below this one), and least, I will post just a few cards that I have done since my last post in, July. There is something I am going to say at the end of these photos about card making, and I guess I said it best to a dear friend of mine on her blog not too long ago.

The dear friend I mentioned earlier is an absolute artist when it comes to rubber stamping and card making. As far as I am concerned, artistically she is the best. However, she was struggling with a desire to lay it down, at least for the time being. She needed to give herself permission to do so, and I did not want to be a pressure point in her life. So, I put the following italicized portion below on her blog. I believe it expresses where I am at with card making as well. I do enjoy it, but for now, I have put it down and will not pick it back up until if and when it feels right. And, although purchasing ready made cards was a little difficult at first, I am so enjoying the freedom it offers me. I am a card sender. I have been since I was a girl. To make each and every one is just too much right now.

I really enjoy stamping and as you know, much of my inspiration came from you. Your cards are beautiful and I have enjoyed them. I've searched SCS for cards done by you, not because I thought you "should" be stamping, but to see how you were doing. I missed you. Your cards often, nearly always reflected where you were at whether it be your state of being, or state of doing. Over the last few months I have made cards that I enjoyed making, but they seemed to demand time I truly wanted to devote elsewhere. Will I stop making cards... not forever. Have I put my tools, ink and pencils away for a season? Yep! I realized that although the card making was good therapy for me, it had become a self indulgent activity that interfered with life. Truth be known, it was my way to ignore life. I want a full life and anything that threatens to deny me that... is history. So, I have for now put the card making down. I will do it as it seems and feels appropriate, no more... no less. If you feel like it is time to put it down, you Go Girl!

I want to thank those of you that have gently, and some that have a little more firmly asked me to get back to blogging. It is good to be back!

Be blessed!